
TIME Auditorium Oltrepo Mantovano
Tuesday 26 September
08:30 - 9:00 Opening Session
Chair: A. Bogoni, R. Proietti
9:00 - 10:30 WS1 - High Capacity SDM Transmission and Systems WS2 - Analog optical processing: back in town for neuromorphic applications?
10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 12:30 WS1 - High Capacity SDM Transmission and Systems
12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 - 15:00 WS3 - Photonic devices meet softwarized networks WS4 - Quantum Communications and Networks Workshop
15:00 - 15:30 COFFEE BREAK
15:30 - 17:00 WS3 - Photonic devices meet softwarized networks WS4 - Quantum Communications and Networks Workshop
19:00 - 21:30 WELCOME DINNER
Wednesday 27 September
08:30 - 10:00 Plenary 1: Prof. Ken-ichi Kitayama
Plenary 2: Prof. Michal Lipson
Chair: H. Tode
10:00 - 10:30 COFFEE BREAK
10:30 - 12:00 Plenary 3: Prof. Lorenzo Pavesi
Plenary 4: Dr. Daniel Pérez López
Chair: V. Sorger
12:00 - 12:30 Best Student Paper Awards
12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 - 14:45 We1A: Photonics for computing
Chair: N. Andriolli
We1B: Photonics for Datacom
Chair: R. Proietti
14:45 - 15:30 Sponsor Session
15:30 - 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00 - 17:30 We2A: Electronic-photonic co-integration
Chair: S. Pinna
We2B: High capacity multi-band and SDM networks
Chair: Sandeep Singh
19:00 - 21:30 SOCIAL DINNER
Thursday 28 September
09:00 - 10:30 Th1A: Optical data center tecnologies
Chair: R. Proietti
10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 12:30 Th2A: Optical Switching Tecnologies
Chair: R. Luis
12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 - 15:00 Th3A: Optical network orchestration and control
Chair: E. Virgillito
Th3B: Photonic Technologies
Chair: S. Pinna
15:00 - 16:00 Poster Session
16:00 - 16:30 COFFEE BREAK
16:30 - 18:00 Th4A: design, optimization and control of optical networks
Chair: E. Virgillito
Th4B: Photonic Integrated Technologies 1
Chair: R. Hamerly
19:00 - 21:30 RIVER CRUISE
Friday 29 September
09:00 - 10:30 Fr1A: Photonics switching Tecnologies 2
Chair: G. Contestabile
Fr1B: Advanced Photonics Functions 1
Chair: R. Hamerly
10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 12:30 Fr2A: Advanced Networks functions 2
Chair: N. Fontaine
Fr2B: Impairement mitigation in photonics networks
Chair: Y. Mori
12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 - 15:30 Fr3A: Photonics for machine learning
Chair: V. Sorger
Fr3B: Photonic Integrated Tecnologies 2
Chair: R. Proietti
15:30 - 16:00 Postdeadline Session
Chair: M.Matsuura
16:00 - 16:30 Closing Ceremony
Chair: A. Bogoni, R. Proietti

We1A: Photonics for neuromophic processing

  • We1A.1: Optics-Informed Neural Networks: converging photonics with Deep Learning

    Nikos Pleros INVITED

  • We1A.2: Experimental Demonstration of a Photonic Extreme Learning Machine with an Array of Microresonators

    Stefano Biasi | Riccardo Franchi | Lorenzo Pavesi

  • We1A.3: Low Loss Fan-Out Structure for Multimode Waveguide-Based Reservoir Computing

    Hirotaka Oshima | Takashi Kan | Hideaki Tanaka | Hidenori Takahashi | Katsuyuki Utaka | Masatoshi Suzuki

  • We1A.4: Heterogeneous Si Photonic interposers for optically interconnected GPUs

    Gunther Roelkens INVITED

We1B: Photonics for Datacom 1

  • We1B.1: Scalable Hardware Acceleration of Graph Processing with Photonic Interconnects

    Venkatesh Akella INVITED

  • We1B.2: Coupled Dynamic Thermo-Optical Analysis and Compact Modelling of Self-Heating in Ring Modulator

    David Coenen | Minkyu Kim | Herman Oprins | Ingrid De Wolf | Yoojin Ban | Joris Van Campenhout

  • We1B.3: Co-packaged optics for Data Center and AI Supercomputer Networks: Exploring the Benefits through Simulations

    Pavlos Maniotis INVITED

We2A: Electronic-photonic co-integration

  • We2A.1: Co-Designed and Co-Integrated Photonic-Electronic Solutions for High-Throughput Interconnects and Switching Systems

    Ben Yoo TUTORIAL

  • We2A.2: Enabling the Next Generation of Photonics through Design IP Reuse

    Matt Strenshinsky INVITED

We2B: High capacity multi-band and SDM networks

  • We2B.1: Challenges in Modeling and Controlling WDM Transmission in Multiband Optical Networks

    Vittorio Curri INVITED

  • We2B.2: Performance and Cost Evaluation of Large-Scale Optical Switch Node Architectures for Space Division Multiplexed Networks

    Mijail Szczerban | Colin Kelly | Thierry Zamy | David Neilson | Roland Ryf | Jesse Simsarian

  • We2B.3: Meta-Heuristic Framework for Designing Filterless Horseshoe Networks with P2MP Transceivers

    Mohammad M. Hosseini | João Pedro | Antonio Napoli | Nelson Costa | Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky | Sergei K. Turitsyn

  • We2B.4: Is Indirect Crosstalk Negligible in Resource Allocation on Space-Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Networks with Multi-Core Fibers?

    Yuya Seki | Yosuke Tanigawa | Yusuke Hirota | Hideki Tode

  • We2B.5: Multiband Optical Networks Control and Provisioning

    Nicola Sambo INVITED

Th1A: Optical data center tecnologies

  • Th1A.1: Optical coherent for datacenters

    Aaron Maharry TUTORIAL

  • Th1A.2: High-capacity WDM transmitter for co-packaged optics by suppressing SOA-induced nonlinearities

    Satoshi Suda

  • Th1A.3: Large-Scale Silicon Photonics Switches for Future Optical Networks

    Kenjiro Suzuki INVITED

Th2A: Optical Switching Tecnologies

  • Th2A.1: Improved performance of topologically optimized designs for photonics in switching and computing

    Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur INVITED

  • Th2A.2: 4.71-Pbps-Throughput Multiband OXC Based on Space- and Wavelength-Granular Hybrid Switching

    Takuma Kuno | Takuro Ochiai | Reiji Higuchi | Kazato Satake | Kenji Cruzado | Ryuji Munakata | Yojiro Mori | Shih-Chun Lin | Motoharu Matsuura | Suresh Subramaniam | Hiroshi Hasegawa

  • Th2A.3: Characterization of optical bi-stability in active silicon microring resonators for all-optical switching

    Abdou Shetewy | Mircea Catuneanu | Menglong He | Kambiz Jamshidi

  • Th2A.4: Low-Power Switching of Polymer Mach-Zhender Type Optical Switch with 45° Mirror for Vertical Interconnection

    Ryo Kuwata | Siim Heinsalu | Yuichi Matushima | Hiroshi Ishikawa | Katsuyuki Utaka

  • Th2A.5: Fast and Nondisruptive Reconfiguration Design for Optical Datacom Networks

    Wenbang Zheng | Xiaoliang Chen | Zhaohui Li

Th3A: Optical network orchestration and control

  • Th3A.1: Machine Learning-based actuation orchestration for inter-/intra-data center networks

    Salvatore Spadaro INVITED

  • Th3A.2: Open Line Controller Architecture in Partially Disaggregated Optical Networks

    Renato Ambrosone | Giacomo Borraccini | Andrea D’Amico | Stefano Straullu | Francesco Aquilino | Dirk Breuer | Rainer Schatzmayr | Gert Grammel | Vittorio Curri

  • Th3A.3: Resilience in datacom networks (tentative title)

    Mohit chamania INVITED

  • Th3A.4: Optical switching and networking for distributed deep learning systems

    George Zervas INVITED

Th3B: Photonic Technologies

  • Th3B.1: Membrane Lasers for Ultra-High Speed Interconnects and Neuromorphic Photonics

    Pandelis Diamantopolous INVITED

  • Th3B.2: Design and Experiment of Silicon Racetrack-Loop Multi-Mode Waveguide Structure with Low-Loss and Adjustable Couplings for Compact Reservoir Computing Device

    Siim Heinsalu | Katsuyuki Utaka

  • Th3B.3: Mitigating Phase Error Accumulation in Programming MZI-Based Optical Processors

    S. Mohammad Reza Safaee | Kaveh (Hassan) Rahabardar Mojaver | Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur

  • Th3B.4: PARS: A Power-Aware and Reliable Control Plane for Silicon Photonic Switch Fabrics

    Mohammad Amin Mahdian | Ebadollah Taheri | Mahdi Nikdast

  • Th3B.5: Machine Learning Aided Control of Ultra-Wideband Indium Phosphide IQ Mach-Zehnder Modulators

    Rocco D’Ingillo | Andrea D’Amico | Fehmida Usmani | Giacomo Borraccini | Stefano Straullu | Rocco Siano | Michele Belmonte | Vittorio Curri

Th4A: design, optimization and control of optical networks

  • Th4A.1: DRL-based RMSCA for SDM Networks with Core Switching in Multi-Core Fibres

    Yiran Teng | Ruizhi Yang | Carlos Natalino | Sen Shen | Paolo Monti | Reza Nejabati | Shuangyi Yan | Dimitra Simeonidou

  • Th4A.2: Effective Capacity Estimation Based on Cut-Set Load Analysis in Optical Path Networks

    Kenji Cruzado | Yojiro Mori | Shih-Chun Lin | Motoharu Matsuura | Suresh Subramaniam | Hiroshi Hasegawa

  • Th4A.3: Evolution of network control plane towards a functional IoT-edge-cloud continuum

    Admela Jukan INVITED

Th4B: Photonic Integrated Technologies 1

  • Th4B.1: Lithium Niobate Thin Film integrated devices

    Xianfeng Chen INVITED

  • Th4B.2: Heterogeneous III-V-on-Silicon photonic non-linear activation function for scalable photonic neural networks

    George Giamougiannis | Bassem Tossoun | Geza Kurczveil | Raymond G. Beausoleil

  • Th4B.3: 2-bit Optical Decoder based on 4×4 Multi-mode Interferometer Coupler for BPSK-modulated signals

    Yohei Aikawa | Hiroyuki Uenohara

  • Th4B.4: Silicon Photonic Multi-Wavelength Coherent Receiver using Local Oscillator Optical Frequency Comb

    Shuntaro Maeda | Taichiro Fukui | Takuya Okimoto | Go Soma | Takuo Tanemura | Yoshiaki Nakano

  • Th4B.5: Densely Parallelized Photonic Tensor Processor on Hybrid Waveguide/Free-Space-Optics

    Mitsumasa Nakajima | Kenji Tanaka | Katsuma Inoue | Kohei Nakajima | Toshikazu Hashimoto

Fr1A: Photonics switching Tecnologies 2

  • Fr1A.1: Integrated multi-band WSS: from design to performance evaluation

    Paolo Bardella INVITED

  • Fr1A.2: Crosstalk Measurement and Analysis in Core Selective Switch Based Spatial Cross-Connect for Spatial Channel Networks

    Yudai Uchida | Rika Tahara | Kyosuke Nakada | Masahiko Jinno

  • Fr1A.3: Investigation of Spatial Mode Conversion in Flexible Optical Switch using LCOS-based Spatial Light Modulator

    Yuta Goto | Satoshi Shinada | Yusuke Hirota | Hideaki Furukawa

  • Fr1A.4: Implementing Optical Pass-Through Links via Photonics Crossbar Chip for HPC Applications

    Luca Ramini | Jared Hulme | Sagi Mathai | Marco Fiorentino | Raymond Beausoleil

  • Fr1A.5: Experimental Demonstration of Soft-ROADMs with Drop Signal Phase Independent Performance for PTMP 5G Fronthauls

    Roger Philip Giddings | Omaro Fawzi Abdelhamid Gonem | Jianming Tang

Fr1B: Advanced Photonics Functions 1

  • Fr1B.2: 40 Gb/s Operation of Photonic Digital-to-Analog Conversion Using Frequency Chirp in a QD-SOA

    Tetsuyuki Itoh | Motoharu Matsuura | Masaki Sagara

  • Fr1B.3: Order of magnitude increase in storage time of photonic-phononic memory

    Steven Becker | Andreas Geilen | Birgit Stiller

  • Fr1B.4: Demonstration of 10 Gbps Packet Transmission in Si-Photonics-Based In-Vehicle Optical Network (SiPhON)

    Yutaka Hoshiyama | Satoki Kawanishi | Hiroyuki Tsuda

  • Fr1B.5: GHz-class Photonic Tunable Interleaver with Timing Jitter Compression below 100 fs based on a MHz-class Low-Frequency Arbitrary Waveform Generator upgraded by Optical Time Compression

    Shizen Nakayama | Tomoki Tsuji | Masayuki Makino | Saki Fujimura | Tsuyoshi Konishi

Fr2A: Advanced Networks functions 2

  • Fr2A.1: A Novel Transport Protocol Suitable for Bufferless Optical Packet Switching Networks

    Hideki Tode | Yuusuke Hashimoto | Yosuke Tanigawa | Yusuke Hirota

  • Fr2A.2: Detection and Localization of Metropolitan Anthropic Activities by SOP Monitoring of IM-DD Optical Data Channels

    Emanuele Virgillito | Stefano Straullu | Francesco Aquilino | Rudi Bratovich | Hasan Awad | Roberto Proietti | Fransisco Martinez Rodriguez | Rosanna Pastorelli | Vittorio Curri

  • Fr2A.3: Characteristics and System Impact of Multipath Interference in Optical Devices with Short Multicore Fibers for Spatial Channel Networks

    Kyosuke Nakada | Yusuke Matsuno | Yudai Uchida | Masanori Takahashi | Rika Tahara | Takuma Izumi | Ryuichi Sugizaki | Masahiko Jinno

  • Fr2A.4: Sensitive Multi-Core Fiber by Reduced-Noise In-Fiber Interferometric Sensor

    Marco Fasano | Tetsuya Hayashi | Takuji Nagashima | Cristian Antonelli | Pierpaolo Boffi

  • Fr2A.5: Secure Point-to-Multipoint Transmission with Access-span Difference Using Phase Encryption and Power-loaded IQ-channel Multiplexing

    Keiiji Shimada | Keita Tanaka | Ryosuke Matsumoto | Takahiro Kodama

  • Fr2A.6: Routing and Spectrum Assignment Based on Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Band Optical Networks

    Abdennour Ben Terki | Joao Pedro | Antonio Eira | Antonio Napoli | Nicola Sambo

Fr2B: Impairement mitigation in photonics networks

  • Fr2B.1: IM/DD transmission equalization with an all-optical photonic neural network

    Emiliano Staffoli | Mattia Mancinelli | Paolo Bettotti | Lorenzo Pavesi

  • Fr2B.2: Transceiver-impairment Mitigation Enabled by Adaptive Symbol Decision with Neural Networks

    Takuro Ochiai | Reiji Higuchi | Takuma Kuno | Ryuta Shiraki | Yojiro Mori | Hiroshi Hasegawa

  • Fr2B.3: Spatial-Spectral Holographic Mode Demultiplexing, Dispersion Compensation, and Routing

    Kelvin Wagner

  • Fr2B.4: Mitigation of Four-wave Mixing by Means of Polarization Management in the O-band

    Takayuki Kurosu

  • Fr2B.5: Influence of Bandwidth Limitation in Optical Eigenvalue Modulation

    Kazuma Nishino

  • Fr2B.6: +30.8 dBm, IM-DD, 32 Gbit/s high power optical transmission with a 4-km photonic bandgap fiber

    Shumpei Kimura | Hiroyuki Tsuda | Takeshi Takagi | Kazunori Mukasa

Fr3A: Photonics for machine learning

  • Fr3A.1: Inverse design of vertical grating couplers for Si/SiN: experimental verification and enhanced ML-inspired design algorithms

    Thomas Van Vaerenbergh INVITED

  • Fr3A.2: Photonic Neural Networks for Low Latency Applications

    Thomas Ferreira de Lima INVITED

  • Fr3A.3: Photonic activation function using sound waves

    Grigorii Slinkov | Steven Becker | Dirk Englund | Birgit Stiller

  • Fr3A.4: A Phase-Optimal Linear Photonic Architecture

    Ryan Hamerly | Alexander Sludds | Dirk Englund

  • Fr3A.5: Programmable Photonic Architecture Solving Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations

    Gabriele Cavicchioli | Andrea Melloni | David A. B. Miller | Nader Engheta | Francesco Morichetti

  • Fr3A.6: Numerical Analysis of a Self-Calibrating Time-Spatial Interleaving Photonic Convolutional Accelerator

    Tigers Jonuzi | Sarah Masaad | Alessandro Lupo | J. David Domenech Gomez | Peter Bienstman | Serge Massar

Fr3B: Photonic Integrated Tecnologies 2

  • Fr3B.1: Hybrid photonic integration for optical switches

    Kevin Williams INVITED

  • Fr3B.2: Photonic Integrated Unitary Processor Based on Multiplane Light Conversion for Computing and Communication

    Takuo Tanemura INVITED

  • Fr3B.3: Towards Neuromorphic Photonic Integrated Spike Computing Systems

    Antonio Hurtado INVITED

Poster Session

  • PS1: Graphene-based Photonic-Electronic Multiply-Accumulate Neurons

    Lorenzo De Marinis | Peter Seigo Kincaid | Giampiero Contestabile | Sumanta Gupta | Nicola Andriolli

  • PS2: Higher-Accuracy Photonic Neural Networks via Duplication Schemes for Noise Reduction

    Gianluca Kosmella | Jaron Sanders | Bin Shi | Ripalta Stabile

  • PS3: A Cooperative Energy Saving Scheme for NG-PON2-based 5G X-Haul

    Luca Valcarenghi | Andrea Marotta | Carlo Centofanti | Fabio Graziosi | Koteswararao Kondepu

  • PS4: Numerical Analysis Considering Modal Mixing for Multimode-Interference-Based Photonic Reservoir Computing

    Takashi Kan | Shota Ishimura | Hideaki Tanaka | Hidenori Takahashi | Takehiro Tsuritani | Masatoshi Suzuki

  • PS5: Source Device Independent Quantum Random Number Generator with Integrated InP Photonics

    Peter Seigo Kincaid | Lorenzo De Marinis | Alberto Montanaro | Alberto Santamato | Nicola Andriolli | Giampiero Contestabile

  • PS6: Validation of Photonic Neural Networks in Health Scenarios

    Emilio Paolini | Lorenzo De Marinis | Giampiero Contestabile | Sumanta Gupta | Luca Maggiani | Nicola Andriolli

  • PS7: Intra-Data Center Optical Identification

    Nicola Andriolli | Pantea Nadimi Goki | Stella Civelli | Luca Potì

  • PS8: Quantum Interference Patterns for N-Photon States Using a Gires-Tournois Etalon-Assisted Dual-Pass Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

    Giannis Giannoulis | Argiris Ntanos | Aristeidis Stathis | Dimitris Zavitsanos | Hercules Avramopoulos

  • PS10: Arbitrary Ratio Power Splitters using Bent MultiMode Interferometers

    Alessio Miranda | Pável Goor | Kevin Williams | Xaveer Leijtens

  • PS11: PIC-based 1×N Flexible WaveBand-Selective Switch

    Dan M. Marom | Chris G. H. Roeloffzen | Ioannis Tomkos

  • PS12: An optical wavelength filter with reduced crosstalk consisting of a Si arrayed-waveguide grating and Bragg tunable grating filters

    Yuta Yagi | Yuta Takai | Hiroyuki Tsuda

  • PS13: Noise-tolerant gradient measurement of matrix norm for programmable unitary converters

    Yoshitaka Taguchi | Yasuyuki Ozeki

  • PS14: Investigation of low latency WDM-parallel label processing of optical switching system with pn-junction-type silicon photonics switch for edge/cloud computing platform

    Tailai Jin | Hiroyuki Uenohara

  • PS15: A Non-Invasive Pre-Bonding Screening Method for Cascaded SOA-based Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Xudong Wang | Bin Shi | Yutang Ye | Lin Liu | Yong Liu | Ripalta Stabile

  • PS16: Low-Polarization-Dependent 1×2 Carrier-Injection-Type Silicon Photonics Switch

    Yuya Sugiyama | Hiroyuki Uenohara

  • PS17: How to boost Ising machines’ ability to find optimum solutions: a bifurcation analysis

    Jacob Lamers | Guy Verschaffelt | Guy Van der Sande

  • PS18: Disaggregated Statistical Characterization of the PDL Impairment on the Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio

    Andrea D’Amico | Giacomo Borraccini | Stefano Straullu | Francesco Aquilino | Stefano Piciaccia | Alberto Tanzi | Gabriele Galimberti | Vittorio Curri

  • PS19: Novel coupling structure with an angled cut fiber and a tapered silicon waveguide suitable for surface mount large port count applications

    Hayato Sasazawa | Daisuke Nakagawa | Hiroyuki Tsuda

  • PS20: Controlling the Reflectivity of Subwavelength Grating Waveguide Bragg Gratings

    Xi Wang | Lawrence R. Chen

  • PS21: Multiband Photonic Integrated WSS beyond 1Tb/s Data Center Interconnect Technology

    Muhammad Umar Masood | Ihtesham Khan | Lorenzo Tunesi | Bruno Correia | Enrico Ghillino | Paolo Bardella | Andrea Carena | Vittorio Curri

  • PS22: Dual modulation VCSEL-based sustainable transceiver for SSB DMT signals transmission

    Stefano Gaiani | Pierpaolo Boffi | Paola Parolari | Alberto Gatto

  • PS23: Spatially-Diverse Point-to-MultiPoint Optical Distribution Network for Enhanced 6G Fronthaul

    Christos Christofidis | Georgios Gorgias | Haris Georgopoulos | Konstantinos Moschopoulos | Dan M. Marom | Ioannis Tomkos

  • PS24: Kalman-Filter-Aided Dual-Band Collaborative Frequency Self-Tuning in Multiband Transceiver for P-to-MP System with Tight Passband Narrowing

    Takahiro Kodama | Keita Tanaka | Keiiji Shimada | Momoka Masaoka | Ken’ichi Fujimoto

  • PS25: Towards a multi-channel scanning RF receiver based on Integrated Photonic

    Federico Camponeschi | Luca Rinaldi | Paolo Ghelfi | Filippo Scotti | Marco Bartocci | Pietro Bia | Antonino Zaccaron | Antonio Manna

Postdeadline Session

  • PD1: Optoacoustic recurrent operator Steven Becker | Dirk Englund | Birgit Stiller

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